Age of Empires III

Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs is the new expansion pack for the best-selling real-time strategy (RTS) title of 2005, Age of Empires III from Ensemble Studios and Microsoft Game Studios.

Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs will engage gamers of all ages and types in epic warfare in the Americas where they will lead the proud, playable native civilizations to expand their empire and fight for control of the Americas.

Genre: Real-time Strategy
Release Date: October 17, 2006

1. Requires Age of Empires III to play
2. Microsoft Windows XP or higher
3. PC with 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor
4. 256 MB of system RAM
5. 2 GB available hard disk space
6. 64 MB video card with support for hardware transformation and lighting required
7. DirectX 9.0 or later
8. 56K dial-up Internet Access or LAN required for online/multiplayer
9. Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio
10. Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

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