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Mengupas bagaimana terjadinya TCP_MISS, TCP_HIT, TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED berdasarkan debug refresh_pattern

bagaimana terjadinya TCP_MISS, TCP_HIT, TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED :-D berdasarkan debug refresh_pattern

langsung aja , sy mulai. Bismillah

#tambahkan config berikut pada squid.conf

cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log
debug_options ALL,1 22,3


kita bahas TCP_MISS dulu ya :-)

request pertama :
buka browser anda, dan paste link berikut : http://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg

buka file cache.log, lalu cari debug utk link yg dibuka tadi.

contoh debug:

2014/03/01 08:25:58.304 kid1| refresh.cc(540) getMaxAge: getMaxAge: 'http://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg'
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| ctx: enter level  0: 'http://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg'
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(247) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: 'http://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg'
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(262) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: Matched '\.jpg$ 3600 20%% 7200'
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(264) refreshCheck: age: 61
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(266) refreshCheck: check_time: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:26:58 GMT
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(268) refreshCheck: entry->timestamp: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:25:57 GMT
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(171) refreshStaleness: FRESH: expires 1393640757 >= check_time 1393637218 
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(288) refreshCheck: Staleness = -1
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(373) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: object isn't stale..
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(375) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: returning FRESH_EXPIRES
2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| http.cc(482) cacheableReply: YES because HTTP status 200

saya coba jelaskan sedikit disini cara membaca debug-nya (CMIIW)

1. 2014/03/01 08:25:58.304 kid1| refresh.cc(540) getMaxAge: getMaxAge: 'http://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg'
squid mengambil max-age dari objek pulpit.jpg

bagaimana mengetahui response header cache-control max-age? liat..diskusi kita sebelumnya di menu Files :-D

2. 2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(247) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: 'http://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg'
   2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(262) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: Matched '\.jpg$ 3600 20%% 7200'

squid mencocokkan refresh_pattern yg anda buat di squid.conf dan ternyata cocok dengan '\.jpg$ 3600 20%% 7200' karena di squid.conf saya buat

refresh_pattern -i \.jpg$ 60 20% 120 override-expire

INGAT : pada debug menggunakan detik, pada refresh_pattern menggunakan menit
        60 menit = 3600 detik , 120 menit = 7200 detik

3. 2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(264) refreshCheck: age: 61
age = 61 , disini mksdnya adalah lama objek didalam cache adalah 61 detik. dari mana dapat nilai 61 detik ini ? 
rumusnya = check_time - entry->timestamp 

trus apa itu entry->timestamp dan check_time ? sabarrrrrr...sbntr lg dijelaskan :-D

4. 2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(266) refreshCheck: check_time: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:26:58 GMT
   2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(268) refreshCheck: entry->timestamp: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:25:57 GMT

   check_time: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:26:58 GMT = tanggal,jam,menit,detik pengecekan objek
   entry->timestamp: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:25:57 GMT = tanggal,jam,menit,detik objek disimpan kedalam cache

INGAT : disini menggunakan GMT, kalo mau dicocokin dgn local time , misal GMT+7 (WIB) , tinggal tambah 7 jam aja. 
    jadi check_time : Sat, 01 Mar 2014 08:26:58 GMT+7
       entry->timestamp:Sat, 01 Mar 2014 08:25:57 GMT+7

5. 2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(171) refreshStaleness: FRESH: expires 1393640757 >= check_time 1393637218 
   2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| refresh.cc(288) refreshCheck: Staleness = -1 

squid ngecek klo objeknya FRESH, diliat dari expires 1393640757 >= check_time 1393637218 , artinya tanggal expire objek tadi "masih" lebih besar (masih didepan) dari tanggal kita cek
expire = 1393640757 (unix time stamp)= Sat Mar  1 02:25:57 GMT = Sat Mar  1 09:25:57 GMT+7
check_time = 1393637218 (unix time stamp) = Sat Mar  1 01:26:58 GMT = Sat Mar  1 08:26:58 GMT+7

Staleness = -1 utk menyatakan klo objek tsb fresh

CATET : Return values:
    -1 If the response is fresh.
    >0 The amount of staleness.
    0 NOTE return value of 0 means the response is stale.

6. 2014/03/01 08:25:58.594 kid1| http.cc(482) cacheableReply: YES because HTTP status 200
mksdnya objek ini bisa disimpan kedalam cache. bagaimana ngecek kalau objek tsb disimpan ke cache? berikut dibawah ini lanjutannya :-)

skrg coba buka file store.log, cari SWAPOUT dgn objekhttp://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg

di file store.log
1393637159.734 SWAPOUT 00 00005858 9D54B32FE3DA33AA0D39E0BCF7305E30  200 1393637157 1389002194 1393640757 image/jpeg 75672/75672 GEThttp://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg

SWAPOUT disini mksdnya bahwa objek tersebut disimpan ke cache disk, liat tanggal,jam,menit detiknyanya adalah 1393637159.734
1393637159.734 = Sat Mar  1 01:25:59 GMT , coba liat keatas, pada debug, entry->timestamp: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:25:57 GMT. sama bukan ????

pada access.log bagaimana statusnya, check it out :-D

coba buka file access.log, di file access.log terlihat :

1393637159.736   1748 TCP_MISS/200 76099 GEThttp://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg - HIER_DIRECT/ image/jpeg

1393637159.736 (unix time stamp) = Sat Mar  1 01:25:59 GMT , sama dengan tanggal dan jam objek disimpan ke disk cache (liat penjelasan store.log diatas)

MISS = The response object delivered was the network response object.
200 = OK (sucsessfull transaction)

mksdnya TCP_MISS/200 adalah request berhasil (200/OK) dan objek yg diminta diambil langsung dari server asal yaitu HIER_DIRECT/ (MISS)

Ref :

di test di Squid Cache: Version 3.4.3

Demikian cara sy menganalisa knp muncul TCP_MISS di access.log (tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log )

akhir tulisan sore ini, mengutip dr bunda Dorce :
"kesempurnaan adalah milik Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, kekhilafan dan kesalahan datangnya dari saya" :-)

bagaimana dgn rekan2? ditunggu koreksi, diskusi dan komentarnya.


Lanjutan utk TCP_HIT

request kedua :
buka browser anda, dan paste link berikut : http://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg

buka file cache.log, lalu cari debug utk link yg dibuka tadi.

contoh debug:

2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(247) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: 'http://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg'
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(262) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: Matched '\.jpg$ 3600 20%% 7200'
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(264) refreshCheck: age: 432
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(266) refreshCheck: check_time: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:33:09 GMT
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(268) refreshCheck: entry->timestamp: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:25:57 GMT
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(171) refreshStaleness: FRESH: expires 1393640757 >= check_time 1393637589 
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(288) refreshCheck: Staleness = -1
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(373) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: object isn't stale..
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(375) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: returning FRESH_EXPIRES

sdh bisa menjelaskan mksd debug diatas ?

dari debug kita liat :

2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(264) refreshCheck: age: 432
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(266) refreshCheck: check_time: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:33:09 GMT
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(268) refreshCheck: entry->timestamp: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:25:57 GMT
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(171) refreshStaleness: FRESH: expires 1393640757 >= check_time 1393637589 
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(288) refreshCheck: Staleness = -1
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(373) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: object isn't stale..
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(375) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: returning FRESH_EXPIRES

age : 432 , artinya msh lbh kecil dari max-age 3600 berarti objek msh FRESH 


expires 1393640757 >= check_time 1393637589 

2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(288) refreshCheck: Staleness = -1
2014/03/01 08:33:09.564 kid1| refresh.cc(373) refreshCheck: refreshCheck: object isn't stale..

coba buka file access.log

1393637589.573     10 TCP_HIT/200 76107 GEThttp://www.w3schools.com/images/pulpit.jpg - HIER_NONE/- image/jpeg

1393637589.573 = check_time: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:33:09 GMT (tanggal objek dicek kedua kalinya)


HIT = The response object delivered was the local cache object.
200 = OK (sucsessfull transaction)

mksdnya TCP_HIT/200 adalah request berhasil (200/OK) dan objek yg diminta diambil langsung dari cache proxy HIER_NONE/- (HIT)

terlihat sdh tidak ada IP web server


Install Lusca Package untuk Ubuntu 11.10

Bagi Kawan2 yang nggak mau ribet install LUSCA kini ada LUSCA instan untuk Ubuntu 11.10
adap[un caranya sebagai berikut:

Download Packagenya disini :

Common dan Masternya

wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/poo...809-1_i386.deb
wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/poo...4809-1_all.deb

kemudian lakukan upodate sbb :
Update the package index:

# sudo apt-get update

Install lusca deb package:

# sudo apt-get install lusca

File Lusca tersebut akan terekstrak sbb:


Selamat Mencoba


Creating an Ubuntu/Debian PPTP Client

To configure Ubuntu or Debian as a PPTP client, you will need to install the pptp-linux package first:
$ sudo apt-get install pptp-linux
Now you will need to edit the options.pptp file
sudo vi /etc/ppp/options.pptp
and insert the below line:
lock noauth nobsdcomp nodeflate
Next you will need to modify chap-secrets
$ sudo vi /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
add this line:
$DOMAIN is the VPN domain name
$USERNAME is your VPN username
$PASSWORD is your VPN password
A completed chap-secrets on a default Dapper setup would look something similar to this:
# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
# client        server  secret                  IP addresses

MYVPN\\myusername PPTP mypassword *
You will then need to create a tunnel configuration file:
$ sudo vi /etc/ppp/peers/$TUNNEL
where $TUNNEL is the name you wish to give this VPN connection. Now:
$ sudo vi /etc/ppp/peers/MyVPN
and add the following lines:
pty "pptp $SERVER --nolaunchpppd"
remotename PPTP
file /etc/ppp/options.pptp
ipparam $TUNNEL
where $SERVER is the IP address or hostname of the VPN gateway
where $DOMAIN, $USERNAME and $TUNNEL are as defined earlier.
the resulting file will look something like this:
pty "pptp myvpnserver --nolaunchpppd"
name MYVPN\\myusername
remotename PPTP
file /etc/ppp/options.pptp
ipparam MyVPN
The last step you'll need to take is to create a file in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d with the same name as your "peers" file that sets the route to the other network automatically for you:
$ sudo vi /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/MyVPN
which in this example for a class C network will look something like this:

route add -net netmask dev ppp0
Finalise the process by making the file executable:
$ sudo chmod a+x /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/MyVPN
Provide all your settings are correct, you should be able to start the PPTP connection by running:
$ sudo pon MYVPN
You can now run the ifconfig and route -n commands and perhaps ping a host at the other end to make sure the connection is good. The output of which will look similar to this:
$ ifconfig 
eth0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:AA:11:BB:22:CC
           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
           inet6 addr: fe80::20e:35ff:fefc:e95/64 Scope:Link
           RX packets:16780 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
           TX packets:14489 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
           RX bytes:11422112 (10.8 MiB)  TX bytes:1604047 (1.5 MiB)
           Interrupt:5 Base address:0x8000 Memory:e0210000-e0210fff

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
           inet addr:  Mask:
           inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
           RX packets:56159 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
           TX packets:56159 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
           RX bytes:25007982 (23.8 MiB)  TX bytes:25007982 (23.8 MiB)  

ppp0   Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
           inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
           RX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
           TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
           RX bytes:88 (88.0 b)  TX bytes:82 (82.0 b) 

$ route -n 
Kernel IP routing table 
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface UH    0      0        0 ppp0   U     0      0        0 eth0   U     0      0        0 ppp0         UG    0      0        0 eth0 
$ ping remote-server 
PING remote-server.remote.com.au ( 56(84) bytes of data. 
64 bytes from remote-server.remote.com.au ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 t
ime=765 ms 
64 bytes from remote-server.remote.com.au ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 t
ime=41.2 ms

Tutorial~Install BackTrack 5

Langkah pertama,
Burn ISO kedalam DVD, atau bisa juga menggunakan live USB.
Setelah proses burn selesai, kita masukan DVD tersebut kedalam DVD-RW lalu set BIOS agar melakukan first boot melalui DVD.
Spoiler for pic

Langkah kedua,
Setelah komputer melakukan booting melalui DVD, maka akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar dibawah.
Spoiler for pic

Lalu pilih BackTrack Text - Deafult Boot Text Mode.

Langkah ketiga,
Selanjutnya akan muncul tampilan baru lagi berupa CLI, seperti gambar dibawah.
Spoiler for pic

Selanjutnya kita harus masuk tampilan GUI, agar kita dapat lebih mudah dalam melakukan proses instalasi.
caranya ketik #startx

Langkah keempat,
Berikutnya kita akan menjumpai tampilan GUI dari backtrack, seperti gambar dibawah.
Spoiler for pic

Langkah kelima,
Klik icon Instal BackTrack yang ada di desktop.

Lalu akan muncul kotak dialog instal, disitu kita harus memilih bahasa yang akan digunakan. Lalu klik Forward.

Langkah keenam,
Selanjutnya pada kotak dialog instal, kita akan disuruh menentukan lokasi kita. Lalu klik Forward.

Langkah ketujuh,
Dilangkah ini kita harus menentukan keyboard layout yang kita gunakan. Lalu klik Forward.

Langkah kedelapan,
Selanjutnya adalah langkah yang paling penting, yaitu penentuan partisi. kalian akan menempu jendela seperti gambar dibawah.

Jika kalian ingin menggunakan seluruh hardisk hanya untuk backtrack pilih Erase and use the entire disk.

Tapi jika kalian ingin menggunakan dualboot bersama wind*ws, pilih Specify patitions manually (advanced). Lalu akan muncul jendela baru seperti gambar dibawah.

Pada jendela diatas, anda dapat menambah/membuat partisi baru untuk linux.
partisi yang dibutuhkan:
Ext3 untuk / ==> untuk file system
Swap untuk Swap ==> untuk tambahan memory (1-2Gb cukup)
Ext3 untuk /home ==> jika perlu
Langkah kesembilan,
Setelah mengisi data pribadi dan password klik forward maka akan keluar tampilan seperti ini,kemudian klik Install.

Langkah terakhir,
Ini adalah langkah yang paling membosankan, yaitu menunggu sampai proses instalasi selesai ^_^

NB: Ketika penulis mencoba melakukan instalasi pada proses 99% akan memakan waktu cukup lama.


cek temperatur mesin ubuntu

langsung aja cara instalnya,
login sebagai root lalu ketik
apt-get install lm-sensors
sebelum bisa menggunakan aplikasi tersebut kita harus sedikit mengkonfigurasinya, ketik
maka akan ditanyakan beberapa hal
Some south bridges, CPUs or memory controllers contain embedded sensors.
Do you want to scan for them? This is totally safe. (YES/no):

Some Super I/O chips contain embedded sensors. We have to write to
standard I/O ports to probe them. This is usually safe.
Do you want to scan for Super I/O sensors? (YES/no):

Some systems (mainly servers) implement IPMI, a set of common interfaces
through which system health data may be retrieved, amongst other things.
We first try to get the information from SMBIOS. If we don't find it
there, we have to read from arbitrary I/O ports to probe for such
interfaces. This is normally safe. Do you want to scan for IPMI
interfaces? (YES/no):

Some hardware monitoring chips are accessible through the ISA I/O ports.
We have to write to arbitrary I/O ports to probe them. This is usually
safe though. Yes, you do have ISA I/O ports even if you do not have any
ISA slots! Do you want to scan the ISA I/O ports? (yes/NO):

Lastly, we can probe the I2C/SMBus adapters for connected hardware
monitoring devices. This is the most risky part, and while it works
reasonably well on most systems, it has been reported to cause trouble
on some systems.
Do you want to probe the I2C/SMBus adapters now? (YES/no):
jawab dengan y (yes) kecuali pertanyaan terakhir jawab dengan n (no) lalu akan ada penampakan seperti ini
Now follows a summary of the probes I have just done.
Just press ENTER to continue:
tekan enter
Do you want to add these lines automatically to /etc/modules? (yes/NO)
seperti biasa dijawab dengan y (yes)
Unloading cpuid... OK
lalu jalankan servicenya
service module-init-tools start
sekarang kita lihat hasilnya dengan mengetik
lalu akan keluar penampakan kurang lebih seperti ini
root@netpoint:~# sensors
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0: +44.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 1: +46.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
in0: +1.15 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +4.08 V)
in1: +1.95 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +4.08 V)
in2: +3.38 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +4.08 V)
+5V: +3.01 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +4.08 V)
in4: +0.24 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +2.10 V)
in5: +4.08 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +4.08 V) ALARM
in6: +4.08 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +4.08 V) ALARM
in7: +3.12 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +4.08 V)
Vbat: +3.25 V
fan1: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
fan2: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
temp1: -55.0°C (low = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = thermistor
temp2: -2.0°C (low = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = thermistor
temp3: +29.0°C (low = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C) sensor = thermal diode
cpu0_vid: +1.350 V
bold=suhu prosesor,
masih adem ,

lanjut lagi,
untuk mengetahui temperatur dari harddisk instal dulu
apt-get install hddtemp
setelah selesai akan ada beberapa penampakan(pertanyaan) tinggal di y (yes), untuk melihat hasilnya ketik
hddtemp /dev/*
*=sesuaikan dengan posisi hardisk masing2
contoh punya TS dengan 3HDD,
root@netpoint:~# hddtemp /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc
/dev/sda: WDC WD3200AAJS-00L7A0: 43°C
/dev/sdb: WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0: 40°C
/dev/sdc: WDC WD1600AAJS-00V4A0: 38°C
tested on ubuntu 11.04 (64bit),

semoga bermanfaat,

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